伤脑筋,现在签证办理真复杂 Explor. #04

✍️ Quotes 有意愿有能力做出主动的选择,才是真正的活着。 — 李笑来 區塊鏈讓在的各種國際衝突裡面完全沒轍的人民跟社群稍微還有根稻草可以抓著。沒轍的窮國家陸續使用比特幣而不是美金當儲備變成 Network State 來吸引有資產族移民和脫離幫美國買單。或許不可串改的特性還給我們真正的歷史數據(更接近事實+ 可以追溯的新聞);讓我們的下一代擁有獨立思考的能力。又或者在健保醫療/犯罪判決紀錄/資產擁有權上避免詐騙/吃案?” — Ned (disco.eth) 一线城市的房产,很像托尔金笔下的那枚魔戒,戴上去很容易,摘下来却很难,并大概率会演变成控制我们的心魔。一个人一旦有了短期内无力偿还的债务,也就失去了跟别人说fuck you的权利。” — Jarod 数字游民部落 Freedom is not letting you do whatever you want but teaching you not to do the things you don’t wanna do. — Immanuel Kant The worst thing to do is buy an asset when it’s in the news and sell it when it’s in the news. — Balaji Srinivasan Network state is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of stability, an integrated cryptocurrency, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population income and real estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition....

August 26, 2022